Last week it was revealed that Bobbi Kristina's live-in boyfriend Nick
Gordon was the target of a criminal investigation after the 21 year old
was found submerged in a
bathtub with mysterious bruises to her mouth, face and chest. Police
said the injuries raised their concerns, especially after they heard
that Bobbi and Nick had a history of violence in their relationship. The
couple's friend Max Lomas also told police that Nick was acting
strangely before they found Bobbi Kristina.
Nick has kinda explained how the injuries got on Bobbi Kristina. A
friend told Radar Online Nick claims the bruises came from his CPR
efforts after she was found unresponsive.
It's also being reported that police were called to Bobbi Kristina's residence about a week before the incident for a domestic
disturbance but when police arrived no one was home.