Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Tussle for Lagos; The People Vs The Emperor!

Dear friends, brothers and sisters, we are concerned Lagosians, seeking freedom for all in our dear state. 

We have been under a dictatorship that has put us all in bondage politically, economically and socially. 

Using our commonwealth, they have developed several propaganda networks to fool us all.
They have bought-over so many editors and journalists, that their lies are widely echoed as truth
They are so rich, engaging in political business with our resources and full of craft,
But they failed to remember that absolute power resides in the people!
 Of what use have they been?

·         (HOUSING) They were bold to say; "No low cost cement", when asked to provide low cost housing.

·         (RULE OF LAW) They shunned court orders against an illegal tollgate managed by their private companies. Paid themselves 7.5billion naira taxpayers money as buy back. 

·         (ACCOUNTABILITY) They borrowed several international funds on projects that were never completed. Despite huge IGR, Lagos depends on borrowed funds for all capital projects, as the Alpha-Beta company of Tinubu perpetually milks the state dry. Today, the state owes the largest debt ever in the history of Nigeria.

·         (LEADERSHIP I.Q.) They sold helmet to okada men pre-election, only to ban and drive them into unemployment after the election - Deceit!

·         (DEPORTATION) They did it! Deported Igbo people who had legitimate right to live anywhere within their country; clueless on how to help the unemployed.

·         (HEALTH) They had agreement with resident doctors, to meet their needs; but reneged, sacked and threw them out of their jobs (post-election), killing hundreds of poor, innocent Lagosians who entrusted their lives in their hands. Presently, general hospitals controlled by private firms; make people die due to undue charges.

·         (EDUCATION) They increased LASU fees, to #300,000; reducing it to #25,000 (pre-election) - Deceit!
They borrowed billions of Naira for the Eko (education) project, and with less than 5% work execution, they embezzled the funds.

·         (POLITICALLY) With them, you cannot serve the people, but the master in Buordellion,
Imposed on market women; the masters daughter
Imposed as a senator; the master's wife
Imposed in varying seats; master's concubines
Imposed on a fed-constituency in Ekiti; the master's son in-law.
The master boastfully calls himself "Eko", as he thinks and determines the hopes and aspirations of the entire Lagos populace! 

Despite his Chicago University scandal, 1999 perjury, 1998 US indictment as kingpin of a drug trafficking group and forfeiture of several millions of dollars to the US government, "Eko" owns over half of Lagos properties, worshiped by his followers as creator of illegal wealth.
All those outside their fold, they say are bad, even when they themselves stink with monumental fraud! 

They are hypocritical, deceiving us, using the power of the media and the weakness of their fearful natured, spiritually conscripted members, telling us stories from the gods!
As one major investment expires, another spiritually conscripted individual is launched on us. The billions of naira on posters, jingles, TV advert and campaigns that has already surpassed 40billion naira will never be critisized by these hypocrites, talk-less of the imposition; designed and packaged by the master for his voiceless followers as indirect delegate primaries.
The antecedent of the new godson as the looting tool of the master in the outgoing administration should open our eyes!

Never and Never Again! Shall a man turn our lives and destiny into an investment Package!
Let us fight for our freedom! Resist this medieval feudalism!

Tell everyone, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!  

Share this message, STOP THE BONDAGE!

Shun their money, SET YOURSELF FREE!