Monday 23 December 2013

Meet America's first openly gay Imam

The land of freedom, America, now boast of an openly gay Imam. And the Muslim community is not happy about it. Imam Daayiee Abdulah, the only openly gay Imam in America & possibly the world, was born and raised a Baptist Christian faithful in Detroit but converted to Islam while studying in China. Upon his conversion, he noticed the spiritual gap lesbians, gays & transsexuals in the Islamic faith had and decided to become an Imam so as to provide an ideal Islamic support for them, he says.

"Being an openly gay imam and having been identified as such, I do get a lot of feedback and also kickback, but that's OK,” he said. “I think that when people are unfamiliar with things, they tend to have an emotional knee-jerk reaction to it. Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention. And because of the necessity in our community, that's why I came into this particular role."
Abdulah, who says he told his parents he was gay at age 15, converted to Islam at the age of 33 and went on to study the religion in Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Asked what was his first spiritual act as an Imam, Abdulahi says it was the funeral for a gay Muslim who had died of AIDS.