Monday 30 December 2013

Nollywood Life: Rich Industry, Poor Actors and Actresses

The luxury is complete. Fast cars, big houses, fat bank accounts and pretty girls…at least in the movies. But the real lives of many Nollywood actors and actresses do not reflect what they portray on screen. The Nation's Seun Akioye examines the real lives of the movie stars.

Whoever has seen Kayode Odumosu, known widely by his stage name Pa Kasumu in any of his numerous films, would believe the veteran actor epitomises the perfect life. Sometimes, he was the rich and influential father and at another time, he rose from grass to grace. But most of the time, he was the voice of reason, intelligent, a disciplinarian and an honest fellow. Many envied him and thought that Pa Kasumu, now 60 years old, must be very rich.

That was Pa Kasumu, the veteran actor in Nigeria’s make-believe world called Nollywood. To know Kayode Odumosu, you will have to alight from your day dream of cozy world of wealth and glamour, the mansion in Lekki, fine clothes and easy life. You will have to descend into the often dangerous and perilous streets of Mushin, a ‘ghetto’ in Lagos where even the average Nigerian may not contemplate as a place of permanent abode.