Monday 31 March 2014

‘MS didn’t kill Zara, ignorance did’, Yemisi Ilo blames Zara’s family for her death

Yemisi Ilo, a creative consultant and project manager, says she's been living with Multiple Sclerosis for nearly 10 years and feels that Zara Gretti’s situation shouldn’t have deteriorated to the point of death. She feels ignorance and not MS killed the singer, who passed away on Friday March 28th about a year after making her illness public. Read what Yemisi (pictured right) wrote below...

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I also have MS and I am currently in Singapore – where by His grace I will finally halt the progression and hopefully and prayerfully reverse some if not all disability. I spoke to Zara on Tuesday. She said she was being given ‘Agbo’ to drink by her family and that it was killing her. Those were her exact words. I told her to not drink it. With an already compromised immune system – Agbo is bullshit. It is poison. MS is not malaria. I gave Zara clear details of exactly what she needed to do to try to get well. It isn’t easy at all - I should know but unfortunately for her, she was surrounded by very ignorant people at the end who felt that they knew best. I first heard of Zara when I read about her on Linda Ikeji‘s blog a year ago. I got in touch with her immediately and started a Skype friendship. I was in London and she was in the States (US). We spoke regularly.