Sunday 2 March 2014

Nigerian government grants Islamist terror preacher visa

The Federal Government granted visa to renowned extremist and Islamic terror preacher, Dr Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, who has been banned from a number of countries because of his messages. The Minister of Interior, Abba Moro said Philips was granted visa because he 'met the requirements

The  TelegraphNG reports
Philips who lives in Qatar has been issued a Nigerian Visa to visit and preach in the Country. The cleric has already been banned from countries like Australia, Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, Kenya, amongst others.
Reports had it that the cleric celebrated his Visa issuance with his followers on his facebook on Sunday morning, saying, “Al hamdu lillaah. I just got a visa for Nigeria and will be going there in a few days, in shaa allaah. So, I hope to see all my Nigerian brothers and sisters. Baarakallaahu feekum”.