Thursday 22 January 2015

Come Join The Train ….To free Lagos!!!!

Since inception, Lagos state has been a place where people have lived, co-habited and developed freely and without fears.

Never in the history of our great state has one man pocketed and cornered the entire resources of lagos state until the advent of a particular leader (Dealer).
He has boasted that even if he puts forward a goat, the people of Lagos will vote such a candidate once he is paraded under his banner. Of course, it is an open secret that he himself freely boasts that he has maximum control of all levers of influence and power round the state, namely: the judiciary, security apparati, leaders of corporate sector, transport union leaders, market men and women association: artisan(s), and students groups.

As a style, every four years, he seeks out novices, political neophytes and cronies: and propels them into the fray of key political contests; backing them with his entire financial armory.
Tacitly, this our man had completed four terms in office as CEO, Lagos state PLC……whilst honest, hardworking and law abiding (legitimate) sons and daughters of Lagos are fed crumbs from the table of this GRANDMASTER!
Today, he is seeking a fifth and possibly sixth, via the same time tested structure and route of political godfatherism and servitude. Even beyond our great state, he has also perfected strategies of elevating his art to the national stage where he is seeking to corner the nation’s biggest political positions through proxies.
Today, genuine elders, leaders, sons and daughters of Lagos are standing in unison to say/ No to this self-centered leader whose knack for cornering all available resources of the state is limitless.
FREE LAGOS.NG is a multi-party, non-partisan but lagos-centred association of men and women across all demographics, irrespective of tribes, tongue and religion. Our objective is to ensure that this uncaring, wicked and selfish hold on our great state is broken.
If you share our passion, this forum welcomes you with open arms. Together we ll regularly expose to all lagosians the massive shenanigans of this leader and his leader and his cronies and co-travellers.
This man sees lagos as his personal company and has perfected move for a similar hold on the very jugular of the entire federal republic of Nigeria. He must be STOPPED! 
Please join us in this mission of bringing lagos back to its original concept of a land free for all to live, aspire and freely live one’s life without molestation, manipulation and threats of selfish leaders.
To sign up on this agenda, please text your name, mobile phone number and e-mail to

Eko a gbe wa oooooooo!!!!!