Friday 6 December 2013

Justin Bieber Arrested In Australia

Pop star Justin Bieber lands into more trouble in Australia as he and his entourage were reportedly detained at the Brisbane, Australia airport yesterday, Dec. 5 while custom agents searched their luggage for drugs.

According to TMZ, weed was found on one of Justin’s friends, “the Australian Federal Police says a security check turned up an unknown amount of pot on a 23-year-old man in Justin's entourage. The suspect was released, but got a ticket for allegedly importing drugs” …TMZ
Sources say the suspect had an electronic device to smoke marijuana called a disposable vaporizer, which had residue in it. However, his attorney was at the court yesterday to pay a fine before he was allowed to go.

The site also claims Justin Bieber had once gotten into trouble with AFP in November when he swore at the security for checking his stuff, “Australian Federal Police said a 19-year-old man was detained back on Nov. 24 but was released after getting a stern warning for using ‘inappropriate language,” reported the gossip site. Close sources connected with the situation confessed that Justin was the one who swore at the officers.

Bieber’s bodyguard was arrested in November in Hawaii after allegedly attacking a photographer on the beach and has also been caught on video attacking a photographer in Sydney for taking pictures.
Wow, seems Bieber just can’t stay out of trouble whether in America or not.