Tuesday 20 January 2015


I believe in those ideals that your votes have expressed today: That we are tired of letting the status quo remain in Lagos State. It is time for Lagos to be a leading global city-state. It is time for a generation that believes in integrity to take over and run the affairs of our beloved state with a human face.
Today, the gates to Alausa have been flung open for PDP. Let us use the power of the electoral process to truly take over Alausa and anchor our beloved Lagos State on the tag of the “Centre of Excellence” that we have always claimed for her.

Together, there is a lot of work to do, both to get us to Alausa and thereafter make Lagos State a place where people and businesses thrive in a conducive atmosphere.
My brother aspirants, you are part of today’s success. Each one of you has strengths that I recognise. Yes. We must join hands to win the 2015 elections. And I humbly acknowledge that this task cannot be executed by one person. Therefore, all hands must be on deck. I promise to work with all PDP supporters to achieve our collective goal.....continue

To fellow gubernatorial candidates in other parties, the issue is CHANGE in Lagos State. In fact, CHANGE is the only word on the banner of one of the political parties. I totally agree! From today, change has come. There must be change in Lagos. And the PDP is ready, willing and able to give that change. The real work, to bring about that change that our people yearn for, starts NOW.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen: Once more, I thank you for graciously granting me this opportunity to lead the emancipation of Lagos State. With God on our side, Lagos shall be free!
- Excerpt from Jimi Agbaje’s acceptance speech after winning the Peoples’ Democratic Party (PDP) 2015 Lagos State Gubernatorial primaries.