Thursday 21 November 2013

Festus Iyayi: Too much a sacrifice for executive lawlessness

It all looks and sounds so surreal that Festus Iyayi is dead, victim of yet another case of executive lawlessness. By executive lawlessness I’m not just referring to the irresponsible and rampaging conduct of Idris Wada, one of the sorry cases now functioning as state governors in a Nigeria supposedly under the rule of law.
I include in my statement of executive recklessness those whose violations of simple agreements reached between them and the Academic Staff Union of Universities led to the protracted strike that has now needlessly claimed the life of Iyayi; those whose corrupt ways have made air travels such high risk business that sane people would rather endure the hardship and equally grave risks of long road trips than enter the flying coffins that routinely drop out of our air space like errant asteroids.
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