Friday 29 November 2013

Nollywood Drama: Genevieve Nnaji & Omotola Jalade Still Battling For Supremacy?

supremacy between top actresses Genevieve Nnaji and Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde dragged for many years, before they played alongside each other in the award winning movie, Ije, a development that made people to conclude that both parties have let the sleeping dog lie.

It was believed that the two movie stars have become friends when the National President of Actors’ Guild of Nigeria (AGN), Ibinabo Fiberesima stepped into all the grievances between the actresses shortly after her inauguration.

However, investigations show that the beautiful Nollywood actresses are still not friends. Recall that Omotola Jalade-Ekeinde was named Most Influential Nigerian by Time Magazine early this year. As it could be, Actors’ Guild of Nigeria (AGN), the guild where the actress has remained loyal to for many years decided to celebrate and honour her.

Guess what? Genevieve Nnaji was not only absent from the event but also close friends disclosed that she was angry for the accolades showered on Omotola. Sources say the Imo born screen diva is still angry with the organisers of the event till today.

Again, the talented actress, Ms. Genevieve was among the lucky Nollywood practitioners who were honored on Wednesday November 27, 2013 at Grand Awards of Nollywood @20, a situation that has been questioned by many people from Omotola’s camp. According to them, Genevieve is not supposed to be honored for her contributions in movie industry without Omotola’s name appearing on the same list. “Omotola’s name was omitted.” They say.

Simply because Omotola’s name was not in the list, she was nowhere near the venue of this grand event, as an invitation must have been sent to her weeks before yesterday.

There are strong speculations that Omotola’s name was intentionally omitted from the event to bring Genevieve Nnaji back.