Thursday 21 November 2013

Photo: OMG: Baby Born with Werewolf Syndrome

The 25-day-old baby inherited a rare gene carried in her family which leads to a disorder known as Werewolf Syndrome. The condition otherwise known as hypertrichosis has no cure.

Her mother Savita Sambhaji Raut, 26, said she feared for her daughter's future after she inherited the condition but accepted her fate. And she said it did not matter what her child looked like, she would love her unconditionally.

Speaking from her home in Madhavnagar, central India, she said: 'I was so happy to have her alive, but it upsets me.' She added: 'I am scared for her future but God has chosen us to be like this.

Milind, the baby's father said he is just overjoyed to have a daughter.

The newborn baby covered head to toe in hair, is the latest addition to the aptly named Werewolf family.